Rushing Mania

This is our first PyWeek entry.


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Overall: 2.3
Fun: 2
Production: 2.2
Innovation: 2.6

10% respondents marked the game as not working.
Respondents: 9


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ApathysBlessing 2015/08/15 23:49

Diary Entries

Preparing the Development Environment

I've only used PyGame by hand, but now I saw cocos2d so I'm about giving it a try. Not sure yet if the development environment is well set, but it only installed the cocos2d library. I thought it to be a more graphical IDE like Unity or Game Maker. Still researching the environment and waiting for the graphic designer to join the team.

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Getting Closer

Now we have a pixel perfect collision system and also learned to use cocos2d. We also have a graphic designer in our team. I'm having trouble separating things in classes in cocos2d and I'm considering to move to pygame.

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Progress Report - Day 4

My name is Jace, I'm the programmer on the team. This is my first time using Python to make a video game, and this will be the first game I've ever made. I've always wanted to be a game designer, but bills are a thing, so I've been learning as much as I can when not working. So, here's what I've got working so far. The platforming mechanics are implemented. All game objects implement a core super-class, and are managed by a level engine that performs calculations based on expected trajectory of related objects to anticipate collisions. The result is pixel perfect collision detection, every byte, every time. The concept is coming together. I know what I want the game to be; the only question is how much of the idea can be implemented before the deadline. At the very least we should have a game with good flow and challenging gameplay. There may not be room for much else :/ The art is on the way. Our graphic designer will be finalizing our character designs and the tileset should be ready by the deadline. Which is good, because no one wants to look at my hand-drawn goofy looking fart-art. The music will most likely be royalty-free, as we have no audio specialist, and I have no rhythm. The menus are...menus... The goal is still in progress. Although I believe it's possible to have a game with no goal, or a game that is its own goal. I guess we'll see. There's only so much play time we can cram into a one-week game in on an after-hours work schedule. Well, another all-nighter for me! See you guys on the other side.


Progress Report - Day 5

OK, the goal is in place. We have something to work for, and end to reach. Still, this game has definitely become its own true end. I won't go too in depth here, but the platforming mechanics are unlike anything I've ever played, and in the best way. Of course, its not going to be polished, but it is unique, fluid, frustrating, and challenging in all the most pleasant ways. I want to play my game now, and that's a good sign. Now I just have to finish it. ANOTHER COFFEE!!! *in the voice of Chris Hemsworth*

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Progress Report - Day 6

We now have a game! Not the best game. Heck, not even a commercial-quality game. If I could implement every feature needed for a complete product in one week using freaking Python I would be on a beach somewhere and the Avengers would not stop sending me annoying group texts. Still, I'm happy with what I was able to accomplish. I can do this for living. It would be a dream job. I'm going to keep learning, and some day I will be apart of an amazing team of people, making games for the world to enjoy. And on that happy note, I have some editing to do, so more COFFEE!!!

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Day 7 - Buzzer Beater

Our project is now submitted, and I've just written my first game. Its a good feeling, but game's weren't meant to be written in one week. There were so many elements I wanted to incorporate. I think I will feel that way about every game I make. I want to see my games played by the whole world. When times are hard, I want people to find relaxation and peace in my creations. I want to share in that peace along side them. Anyways, about this game: You are a bio-electrical (and very adorable, thanks to Abi) creature that lives inside of a bit-stream. That bit-stream will carry you across the expanses of cyber-space. Along your journey, you'll need to collect byte arrays from the bit-world in order to do more and increase your energy conservation. The less energy you consume getting from point a to point b, the better your score. The CONCEPT for this game to be as much puzzle as platformer, with an endless array of possibilities to lower you energy output, and create the most efficient data-stream to travel. Their are already platforming elements in place that you may not find in many other games. I may continue with this project, or maybe someone else will. Maybe in another form, or in another lifetime. We carry our past challenges with us into new, more ambitious ones that propel us into greater possibilities in the future. Until then :)

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