In The End

In The End

The McA'Nulty Family's first attempt to produce a working program together. Wish us luck...


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.9
Fun: 3.1
Production: 2.9
Innovation: 2.7

5% respondents marked the game as not working.
Respondents: 16


File Uploader Date
In The End
pmca 2012/09/16 01:11
Screen Shot.png
In The End
pmca 2012/09/16 01:11

Diary Entries

Who we are...

The McA'Nulty family has two moms (Pam and Megan) and two boys (Ryan, 15 and Conall, 12).   Pam has been doing pretty much exclusively Python for 12 years, while Megan has only used it off-and-on at her place of employment.  Ryan currently prefers Java, but Conall has started the Invent with Python book.


What a day...

75 git commits (including merges, but 3 of the merges were nightmares)
Serious pressure to fix one more thing...
Feature complete with 50 minutes to go...

Time for family dinner - and the TV comes on for the first time today!

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