Gameplay screenshot


First time doing game dev or any type of art; going to figure it out as I go!


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.6
Fun: 2.3
Production: 2.5
Innovation: 2.8

14% respondents marked the game as not working.
Respondents: 6


File Uploader Date
pyinstaller compiled --noconsole .exe version
BeefxThief 2021/09/26 20:59
Source files for anyone no on windows
BeefxThief 2021/09/26 20:49
MowerMan game - compiled with --noconsole
BeefxThief 2021/09/26 20:46
Gameplay screenshot
BeefxThief 2021/09/26 20:30

Diary Entries

Saturday Diary entry Sept 19th

Good progress today.  Lots of learning occured and we got something resembling a basic game started.  Moving background as a placeholder, a 2-frame sprite animation with the ability to turn left and right.  A lot of time was spent troubleshooting the movement mechanisms of the character but it is good enoughto continue forward at this point.  Tomorrow I can hopefully figure out collision mechanics.  The Pygame discord has been great and some of the people there have given me some great constructive criticism and feedback.    Hope I can find time this week to progess the project.  

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Week wrap up

I had a really good time learning about Python and Pygame and I think this project turned out decent for my first one.  I already have 100 things I'd love to do differently and make the project better, but in all honestly I am a bit burnt out after putting so many hours in.  I am going to just submit as it is and am open to any feedback :)

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Entry submitted

I've finished up my week and it was a great learning experience.  I did end up with some spaghetti code that I would refine a lot if I had more time, but it works for now and I'm excited to do another one and clean up all the mistakes I made this time around.  Thanks for checking out my game :)

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