Skellington 1.9 - Test

Hi Chaps.

If you can, please download this file: skellington-1.9-TEST.tar.gz

Then run python, (using python2.5) and a small demo should appear. This test game should run on linux, mac, and windows _from_source_, as it includes platform specific eggs where needed. It doesn't package any required DLLS, such as the sdl libs, or zlib, which are assumed to be on the host system. If I can work out how to add these into the skellington, I will do so.

If anyone is able to test the skellington with py2app or py2exe, that would be helpful!

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Im on windows. It couldn't find the SDL dll. I tried to place it the same folder and under /eggs and /eggs/win32 and /lib but it didn't help. I guess that was expected and you need to have it in the windows-dll folder..
(btw, you left a couple of DS_Stores around, and please add .txt to the Readme-file under /eggs for us windows users)
hmm, it seems to work up until the call to import main and main.main()

it returns "ImportError: No module named main"
So... I added an import sys; sys.path.append('lib') call, and it loaded main.

now though, I get this error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\Matts downloads\skellington-1.9\", line 50, in import main File "/Users/simonwittber/Desktop/skellington-1.9/lib/", line 5, in from gfx import gl ImportError: No module named gfx

Why is it saying the error is on your computer? I looked but it doesn't seem like you hard-coded a directory.

I'm guessing the egg just didn't get installed correctly.

I am on windows BTW
Well, I had a nice fix going, until it seems, the ctypes egg won't find the pygame font module, so th edemo does not actually run yet, but at least it imports main, and runs the eggs sort of).
When I find a better fix that actually executes correctly I will post it.

The big problem with not finding the eggs was that eggdir thought that it was "C:\Python25\Lib\idlelib\eggs", instead of where I had placed the program ;)
That was an easy fix, so now everything is actually being found, one question though, why are you including ctypes? cause ctypes is part of the standard distro with python 25, and I think the egg messed up my install :(
ohh, you aren't installing ctypes, just ctypes-pygame, gotcha :)
okay, fixed, it was the doggon sys.path.insert that was giving me the problems, right now it will reload all the eggs when you start the program, with a message that says "something-module.egg has already been installed, adding something-module to sys.path anyway"

But, at least it works, and displays the message :)
Ubuntu 7:
  File "/tmp/skellington-1.9/eggs/Pygame_ctypes-0.09-py2.5.egg/SDL/", line 54, in __init__
ImportError: Dynamic library "" was not found
On my system it's called "". I suspect that pygame-ctypes might run into this sort of platform compatibility issue a bit, and shouldn't be used for this reason.
Doh. I'm going to remove the egg stuff, as it seems like it will be more trouble than I have time for.
This is a back to basics skellington. It's got the fixes, and a which was contributed by Phil Hassey. skellington-1.10.tar.gz
Yay for Simon and Phil! :)
I'd still like to see the "load" function in the removed (see discussion about Skellington 1.8) - is there any reason why this hasn't been done in Skellington 1.10? Anyway, thanks for the update, py2exe integration should prove quite helpful.
Hi, there doesn't appear to be a run_game.pyw file as mentioned in the README.