
I've been working away with bash to create this file that, when run will prompt you whether you would like to continue or not, if you say c then it will ask you for the name of the game you wish to run, it will go into the game folder, and run, then it will cycle again.

Richard this would make things easier for people if the name of the folder was only 1 word.

You need to put all the game folders into a folder called pyweek.

You can download it here
Copy it into a text file and make it executable.

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Neat idea. :)

It might be cool if it automagically fired up your favorite text editor and asked you for feedback on each game on completion so that you could organize notes on each game (which could later be copy/pasted into the voting page).

Or we could just manage our text files manually...

Ah well, just a thought. :)


Thanks for the idea, it now asks you for your favourite text editor when you first run it, and then when you run the game it loads up a text editor.
Now it cycles through all the folder in the directory /home/[your home directory]/pyweek/.

Note I've only tested it under ubuntu 7.04. But that's not to say it won't work otherwise.
&This has been discussed/tried/failed/etc. several times now, but I think it is great idea.
Sad, but I don't think your version will work on windows...
What we really need is a cross-platform, game-launching, rating-eidtor/storer, program :P
Which you could possibly extend to automatically upload your ratings with just the click of a button to the pyweek site.

How about something that uses tk?
You could make a program that would look under the folder "pygame" in the current directory, not a hard-coded dir.
It would then gather all the folders in the pyweek dir, and give you an option of games.
You would select the game you want to play, and the script would import(or exec or some other function - I just know import would work ;) )
When you are done playing a game, a tk text-editor window would appear, allowing you to rate the game.

You could then have a menu where you could look at all the games you've played/rated and how you've rated them, you could also put in some try/except args, so that if a certain game fails it will just display an error message.

Although, something simpler might be better/quicker, this would be a really nice thing to have, cause personally I hate trying to remember which games I've played, and which ones I've rated, etc.
;BR> I won't have time before the competition to write anything like this, but If anyone likes they can do it, or it can wait until after compo time, when I can do it.

Any ideas/suggestions?
I'll take a look at TK, and see whether I can get something done by the end of the comp...thanks for the ideas.
Does Tk allow you to use the command line?
yep, I think so, it does for me anyway :)
I'm using python. I know how to use python, and it will be easier.
I meant use the tkinter module for python ;)
What does a Mac binary end in?
john: despair? ;)