Skellington, Libs and eggs

I'm building a collection of binary eggs for python game development. I'm aiming to get binaries for the 3 major platforms available for Python2.5.

You can drop these eggs straight into the eggs folder of Skellington 1.7 and they become available to your game.

This is part of an ongoing effort to make binary distributions easier... testers and help appreciated!

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Nice work Simon. Please be sure to email the pygame mailing list too when you've got instructions to test. There should be a bunch of people there too who would help out testing.
Hey, this is a cool idea. High-fives to you!
I'm having nasty issues getting pygame 1.8 compiled on win32. i hate windows. linux, and even mac make it so easy...

i'm wondering if the special skellington egg folder will interfere with py2exe/py2app. ie, will eggs get included twice?
Maybe someone could add a "print md5 of zip"-function to the skellington in case the upload server dies? (or if that someone has a lot of time, something like this (and please windowsify the Skellington linked here if that is to be used)
Yeah, the MD5 thing would be nice to have, but I've got to find the time to actually implement & test it. I'm really rather short of spare time at present. Volunteers welcome, of course.
I could do it, as it doesn't actually sound that hard.
All you would need would be a new upload for an md5 which would store that for the user name.
And then if that user uploads anything else the md5 of that file is checked against the old version, that's it, right?
Something like that. There'd need to be additional user interfaces to support it: one for uploading an MD5 and (description or filename), then another for uploading the file against that MD5 to generate a regular file upload entry. Multiple MD5 hashes must be allowed per entry.
I dont' get this, what are md5's and eggs?
I dont' get this, what are md5's and eggs?
I dont' get this, what are md5's and eggs?
Don't worry John - there will be quite clear instructions provided :)
But to give you an idea, md5 is a hashing program which creates a virtually unique signature number of a program based on the code. This is great to prove that the code is identical to a previous version without having to have the previous version. Last pyweek the upload process got halted and many people sent md5 signature since they couldn't send the program and didn't want to be discounted.

Eggs from what I understand are some sort of python cross platform compatibility voodoo magic and needn't be worried about at the moment.
Richard, I will try my hand at a md5_upload/upload_against_md5 lib later.

My only problem is that I dont know what format you are using for the website(I haven't even played around with django more than 2-3 hours before).
e.g. I'm not sure how you would integrate it into the site, I could just write a couple of functions that would take "user_name", "team_name", "description", file(where the only difference would be that one file would be an md5, the other would be an actual file), team_md5_uploads(if this is an actual file, it will see take an argument for the latest md5 from this team, or None, in which case if will return Failed upload).

The upload_against_md5 function would then check if the file md5 hash is correct against the teams md5 upload, and if it is, it would rreturn True, if not False.
An alternate, more complete method - if I can figure out a way to do it, would be to call the normal upload function as a final submission automatically if the md5 check is good, if not, it would return a page that says that "The file you are trying to upload is not correct against the md5 you have submitted".

That sounds more complicated than nescessary, but that is the only way I can think of without actually having access to the guts of your website.

Any ideas/suggestions?
If I knew how to do it, I would be happy to just code the whole thing(interface and handling) up myself, to save you time, but I'm not entirely sure how to go about it.
I have played a bit around with django, and have offered at some time before to help with this. The offer is still up :); how can we arrange so I can get the code running at home? can you point me to the sourcecode? does it have simple install requirements? You can find me as Darni at freenode IRC, or email me at dmoisset#except,com,ar .
emailed dmoisset :)