I am really looking forward to the compo this time, with all these entrants already, it should be very fun, and interesting.
And I am totally, well, not ready, once again ;)
Hehe, I know, there was only one last time, and I kinda thought he was a spammer ;)
But this time I saw so many people already doing it, I decided it couldn't hurt :P
BTW, did you see that pygame.org says that registration is already open?
Is that to reduce the number of fly-by-registrations? (people who register early and never join in)
I thought registration was open, so I've been announcing it around the place. oops! I better update the pygame news page too - I think Phil put it there that registration was open.
Yeah, that's the intention. The first challenge had a ridiculous number of "fly-by" or perhaps "drive-by" registrations :)
I don't think it's a big deal - I've not had anyone email me to complain that they can't register yet. Also, all my announcements have indicated that rego is not yet open.
Cool. Well it also gives another chance to announce it again!
Also now you give signed up people reminder emails right? I don't think you did that with the earlier competitions. I think some of the earlier comps also were announced on slashdot/dig - which seem to have collected the largest readership of ADD people in the world ;)
I hope lots more people who don't normally join in do. Especially those outside the pygame scene. It'd be good if people in the blender game scene get involved too. If not making games with themselves, then to join teams as artists. There were some blender people at europython who were interested in joining in, and thought there'd be a bunch of artists interested too.
I think artists are weary of putting in effort to game projects since the projects often don't turn into anything. With pyweek they are much more likely to see a game being 'finished'.
The non-pygame python using scenes with largish numbers of game creators I can think of are: pyopengl, soya, ogre, and blender. Any others?
Yeah, I always try to get in three announcements to various places before the comp starts. The "rego is open" one usually goes to the widest audience like linuxgames, gamedev, etc.
slashdot has *never* posted the announce for this comp (or pycon, or europython...) - it's Python, not Perl, after all...
I do try to remember to remind people at the start of voting, but sometimes it slips my mind ;)
And I am totally, well, not ready, once again ;)
But this time I saw so many people already doing it, I decided it couldn't hurt :P
BTW, did you see that pygame.org says that registration is already open?
I think we were team number 3 or 4 to register ;)
All you repeat visitors are able to create teams 'cos you're already registered :)
I thought registration was open, so I've been announcing it around the place. oops! I better update the pygame news page too - I think Phil put it there that registration was open.
I don't think it's a big deal - I've not had anyone email me to complain that they can't register yet. Also, all my announcements have indicated that rego is not yet open.
Also now you give signed up people reminder emails right? I don't think you did that with the earlier competitions. I think some of the earlier comps also were announced on slashdot/dig - which seem to have collected the largest readership of ADD people in the world ;)
I hope lots more people who don't normally join in do. Especially those outside the pygame scene. It'd be good if people in the blender game scene get involved too. If not making games with themselves, then to join teams as artists. There were some blender people at europython who were interested in joining in, and thought there'd be a bunch of artists interested too.
I think artists are weary of putting in effort to game projects since the projects often don't turn into anything. With pyweek they are much more likely to see a game being 'finished'.
The non-pygame python using scenes with largish numbers of game creators I can think of are: pyopengl, soya, ogre, and blender. Any others?
It's mentioned on the blender forums... hopefully some people from there will join in.
This time it should get on dig/slashdot when the registration is open ;)