Day 3-6: Been busy...
It's been a while since the last diary entry. I wasn't able to work on the game much these past couple of days, but I was able to catch up.
There is now a simple gameplay loop, along with all the basic mechanics I intended to implement when the jam started. The end of day 2 saw the addition of "views", which act as a sort of score. On day 3, I added a health system and some steam pipes which harm the player. The collision system I initially put in place using pygame.Rects was a bit finicky. I replaced it with a system that uses pygame.Masks instead, which lead to much more accurate and reliable collision detection.
Soon after that, I got to work on creating a bare bones main menu for the game. Naturally, this called for a scenes system to easily manage game states and display the corresponding scenes. So I developed scenes system to easily manage game states and display the corresponding scenes :D
Today, I added test tubes scattered across the roads, which give you an enormous boost in view count in exchange for one health point. I also threw in some hearts here and there for the player to replenish health, as well as some SFX so my game doesn't feel like a pygame example program.
My agenda for tomorrow is to beautify the main menu a bit and tie up any lose ends.