Somehow I did something
Hi there! last time I wrote here I was somehow telling that I wouldn't make it to partecipate the gamjam.Well, I couldn't exploit all the time, but I managed to do something reducing the working time. I made a text adventure game with some images generated with AI using an online tool called nightcafè.
I'm not sure if it is clear enough. If you play it keep in mind that the prompt should be something like "go west" or "use tool on object".
This is not even close to some games I saw in the past pyweeks, but I'm proud I could partecipate anyway!
Hope you like the concept, hopefully I will make it better in the future!
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Just wanted to report a bug. insectslight on line 65 should be insectlight. Also there's a capitalization mismatch on some of the filenames, which is an issue on Linux. Changing "image" to "Image" on lines 46, 48, and 50 fixes it.