When good news do bad things

Well, it seems like there won't be an umbrella in the first release version of my game yet, and thus no combat or parachuting, but I guess that won't be too much of a problem. I've got the basic game engine in a good, albeit hacky, shape, and I'm currently in the process of adding menus and more levels. I should be too, because I'll have to finish the game mostly by tomorrow evening (GMT+2). After that some friends are coming over to have a little party, and unfortunately it's not the kind of party where I would be making games. ;)

There are some other very good looking entries too. TOBA's game has great production values, and I can't wait to play the game. I hope they'll just have everything ready by the deadline. Also, the theme seems to have inspired a lot more variation than I'd thought. There aren't that many 2D platformers. There are a few aviation-centered games, but they don't look too similar to me.