Day 7: I did it!
I am done. Yeah, mentally and physically, too, hahaha.
It's been very exhausting.
The final version can now be downloaded, and played.
So I wanted to add the possibility for adding highscores to a highscore table, display the highscores, but did not have more time.
But hey, your score is still displayed once you've beaten all five arenas.
The game has sounds and music, too, so that's cool.
Alright, all that remains to say is thanks, köszönöm, danke.
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Hey Bro..Nice work on your pyweek.This is my first pyweek and i love playing the games you guys have created.And while i was running your game i got this pygame error : Unrecognized audio format .Can u fix it up and re upload it so that we can enjoy the game...Thankss
Hello memehunter,
thanks for your comment!
I could not reproduce the error message here, but from what I gather, it could be related to mp3 not licensing restrictions. Did you try to run it on Windows or Linux?
I just researched this error message, and found the following answer on Stackoverflow:
One of the comments says to downgrade to PyGame 1.9.6.
Maybe there is an issue with PyGame >= 2.0.0?
I can't upload a new entry anymore I think, since PyWeek is over. But I will fix it through GitHub, and inform you here once it's done.
Hello Master47,
Yeah i ran it in linux...i removed the mp3 and played it...damnn it's niceee game do u think of such ideas bro?.Yeah pls let me k when u fix it on github