My first pyweek : such a cool experience

Day #1 :

Brainstroming. Lots of ideas but we need only one. 

Finally we choose one : you control the wind.

Day #2:

School and start of the project . But there is a problem we need to use trigonometry which we used only last year.

Day #3:

No time to work on our project.

Day #4:

I figured out the problem it seem to be working nice.

 Ok now we need to start the map generation. Hmmm... Let's learn a completely new module I have never used I name: noise. 

Day #5:

Once again, we nailed it. but here start the true challenges how to make my player navigate on this giant map of 1920*1080 while it can see only 40*20?

Let's use these big numpy array.

Day #6:

Maybe since we have a player which can move it would be cool if he could be stopped by the island. 

Day #7:

It's the last day and there is still so much to do. Fortunately, I don't have school today so I'll be able to work on this project as much as I want.

8:00 UTC start of the work. Let's add these sweet graphics. Let's add this cool story. Maybe, we need to die i totally forgot about that(speeeed).

Let' remake this terrain gen so you have ennemy. 

22:00 UTC 

Ok maybe we need to have an end to this game and some ressources to upgrade your boat.

23:30 UTC

Nailed it, i didn't did everything i wanted but good enough. Let's post it.


It was a really fun project which i really enjoyed making with my friend.

I learned pygame and noise and i had fun playing with these.

Really good experience.

Sry for my bad english i'm french and  i'm only 16yo.