All falls apart at the end

There's a ton of stuff I'm proud of on this project, esp. the dynamic music stuff. But, in the end, I ran out of time. Thinking back on it, I probably should've just ripped the combat system out rather than trying to fix it at the last minute.

So, why'd I fail? Well... to be honest, I think it just comes down to one single thing; the fact that I wasted a day trying to get the raycaster working efficiently when brute force worked just fine. If I'd started with the option I ended up using anyway I'd have a whole nother day and a half, which was really all I needed - heck, even just a few more hours to figure out the combat balance would have made a huge difference. Alas, it was not to be. If i'd stuck to standard Final Fantasy clone combat it'd probably have been fine as well, so there's a lesson - don't innovate just for its own sake, especially when you're under time pressure.

Still! It's a pretty cool walking-around-mazes simulator, except for when it decides to force you to play broken RPG combat instead. And the dynamic music stuff tieff and I put together is definitely awesome.

So, while I'm pretty disappointed in the version that I'm actually submitting to PyWeek, I think with another couple days of work this could be a pretty friggin' cool game.

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I followed the instructions in the readme, have pip installed from requirements.txt.

I can't get it to run:

$ python 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 255, in 
    pygame.key.set_repeat(500, 75)
pygame.error: video system not initialized

Ubuntu 18.04, Python 3.7.4
Should be able to just comment that line out.

If all else fails you should be able to run the EXE version under Wine.
@schilcote I already tried that and I get this:
$ python 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 257, in 
    g = GameState()
  File "", line 98, in __init__
    self.mainwin = gfx.MainWindow(
  File "/home/ntoll/src/pyweek/gfx/", line 103, in __init__
    self.window_surface = win = pygame.display.set_mode(TARGET_RESOLUTION)
pygame.error: No available video device
When I try to run it with WINE I get
Unhandled exception: unimplemented function api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll.PathCchCanonicalizeEx called in 64-bit code (0x000000007b44c1e7).
Register dump:
 rip:000000007b44c1e7 rsp:000000000023bcf0 rbp:000000000023be60 eflags:00000206 (   - --  I   - -P- )
 rax:000000000023bd10 rbx:0000000080000100 rcx:000000000023bd10 rdx:000000000023bd30
 rsi:000000000023bea0 rdi:000000000023bd40  r8:0000000000000002  r9:000000000023be90 r10:0000000000000002
 r11:00000000000164e8 r12:000000000023cbb0 r13:0000000000000000 r14:0000000000000000 r15:000000000023c4a0
Stack dump:
0x000000000023bcf0:  000000000023bd10 0000000000000000
0x000000000023bd00:  0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000023bd10:  0000000180000100 0000000000000000
0x000000000023bd20:  000000007b44c1e7 0000000000000002
0x000000000023bd30:  00007f31b5a6bd29 00007f31b5a6bde0
0x000000000023bd40:  0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000023bd50:  0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000023bd60:  0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000023bd70:  0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000023bd80:  00007f31b5a60000 000000000023bdf0
0x000000000023bd90:  00000000002421d0 000000000023cbb0
0x000000000023bda0:  0000000000000000 5581223d8b672500
=>0 0x000000007b44c1e7 in kernel32 (+0x2c1e7) (0x000000000023be60)
  1 0x00007f31b5a6bd19 in api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0 (+0xbd18) (0x000000000023be90)
  2 0x00007f31b5a6b9b7 in api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0 (+0xb9b6) (0x000000000023bf20)
  3 0x000000018001cc6a in python37 (+0x1cc69) (0x000000000023bf20)
  4 0x000000018001cbb1 in python37 (+0x1cbb0) (0x000000000023c2a0)
  5 0x000000018001e3f2 in python37 (+0x1e3f1) (0x000000000023c2a0)
  6 0x000000018001e67a in python37 (+0x1e679) (0x000000000023c949)
  7 0x000000018001b390 in python37 (+0x1b38f) (0x000000000023c949)
0x000000007b44c1e7: movq	0x00000000000000b8(%rsp),%rax
Module	Address					Debug info	Name (72 modules)
ELF	        7b400000-        7b80d000	Dwarf           kernel32
  \-PE	        7b420000-        7b80d000	\               kernel32
ELF	        7bc00000-        7bd16000	Deferred        ntdll
  \-PE	        7bc20000-        7bd16000	\               ntdll
ELF	        7c000000-        7c004000	Deferred        
PE	       140000000-       140056000	Deferred        main
PE	       180000000-       1803c4000	Export          python37
ELF	    7f31b5a5a000-    7f31b5c6e000	Dwarf           api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0
  \-PE	    7f31b5a60000-    7f31b5c6e000	\               api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0
ELF	    7f31b5c6e000-    7f31b5e94000	Deferred        imm32
  \-PE	    7f31b5c80000-    7f31b5e94000	\               imm32
ELF	    7f31b5e94000-    7f31b60c6000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31b60c6000-    7f31b630b000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31b630b000-    7f31b6528000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31b6528000-    7f31b675a000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31b675a000-    7f31b6a0e000	Deferred
PE	    7f31b6a0e000-    7f31b6c22000	Deferred        api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0
PE	    7f31b6a10000-    7f31b6c22000	Deferred        api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0C:\windows\system32\api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll
ELF	    7f31b6c22000-    7f31b6e36000	Deferred        api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0
  \-PE	    7f31b6c30000-    7f31b6e36000	\               api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0
ELF	    7f31b6e36000-    7f31b704a000	Deferred        api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0
  \-PE	    7f31b6e40000-    7f31b704a000	\               api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0
ELF	    7f31b704a000-    7f31b725d000	Deferred        api-ms-win-crt-process-l1-1-0
  \-PE	    7f31b7480000-    7f31b7684000	\               api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0
ELF	    7f31b7684000-    7f31b7899000	Deferred        api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0
  \-PE	    7f31b78a0000-    7f31b7aae000	\               api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0
ELF	    7f31b7aae000-    7f31b7cc4000	Deferred        api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0
  \-PE	    7f31b7ee0000-    7f31b80f0000	\               api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0
ELF	    7f31b80f0000-    7f31b8305000	Deferred        api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0
  \-PE	    7f31b8330000-    7f31b8619000	\               ucrtbase
ELF	    7f31b8619000-    7f31b882f000	Deferred        vcruntime140
  \-PE	    7f31b8620000-    7f31b882f000	\               vcruntime140
ELF	    7f31b882f000-    7f31b8abf000	Deferred        advapi32
  \-PE	    7f31b8840000-    7f31b8abf000	\               advapi32
ELF	    7f31b8abf000-    7f31b8e3a000	Deferred        gdi32
  \-PE	    7f31b8ad0000-    7f31b8e3a000	\               gdi32
ELF	    7f31b8e3a000-    7f31b9276000	Deferred        user32
  \-PE	    7f31b8e60000-    7f31b9276000	\               user32
ELF	    7f31b9276000-    7f31b9503000	Deferred        shlwapi
  \-PE	    7f31b9290000-    7f31b9503000	\               shlwapi
ELF	    7f31b9503000-    7f31b971d000	Deferred        version
  \-PE	    7f31b9510000-    7f31b971d000	\               version
PE	    7f31b971d000-    7f31b9931000	Deferred        api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-
PE	    7f31b9720000-    7f31b9931000	Deferred        api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-C:\windows\system32\api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1.dll
ELF	    7f31b9931000-    7f31b9b44000	Deferred        api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1
  \-PE	    7f31b9e60000-    7f31ba099000	\               ws2_32
ELF	    7f31ba199000-    7f31ba3ab000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31ba3ab000-    7f31ba5c5000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31ba5c5000-    7f31ba7d1000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31ba7d1000-    7f31ba9db000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31bb4aa000-    7f31bb6c2000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31bb6c2000-    7f31bba60000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31bba60000-    7f31bbc64000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31bbc64000-    7f31bc055000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31bc055000-    7f31bc274000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31bc619000-    7f31bc843000	Deferred
process  tid      prio (all id:s are in hex)
0000000c services.exe
	00000021    0
	0000000e    0
	0000000d    0
00000011 explorer.exe
	00000015    0
	00000012    0
0000001f winedevice.exe
	00000026    0
	00000023    0
	00000022    0
	00000020    0
0000002d main.exe
	0000002e    0
0000002f (D) Z:\home\ntoll\src\pyweek\main.exe
	00000030    0 @schilcote I already tried that and I get this:
$ python 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 257, in 
    g = GameState()
  File "", line 98, in __init__
    self.mainwin = gfx.MainWindow(
  File "/home/ntoll/src/pyweek/gfx/", line 103, in __init__
    self.window_surface = win = pygame.display.set_mode(TARGET_RESOLUTION)
pygame.error: No available video device
When I try to run it with WINE I get
Unhandled exception: unimplemented function api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll.PathCchCanonicalizeEx called in 64-bit code (0x000000007b44c1e7).
Register dump:
 rip:000000007b44c1e7 rsp:000000000023bcf0 rbp:000000000023be60 eflags:00000206 (   - --  I   - -P- )
 rax:000000000023bd10 rbx:0000000080000100 rcx:000000000023bd10 rdx:000000000023bd30
 rsi:000000000023bea0 rdi:000000000023bd40  r8:0000000000000002  r9:000000000023be90 r10:0000000000000002
 r11:00000000000164e8 r12:000000000023cbb0 r13:0000000000000000 r14:0000000000000000 r15:000000000023c4a0
Stack dump:
0x000000000023bcf0:  000000000023bd10 0000000000000000
0x000000000023bd00:  0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000023bd10:  0000000180000100 0000000000000000
0x000000000023bd20:  000000007b44c1e7 0000000000000002
0x000000000023bd30:  00007f31b5a6bd29 00007f31b5a6bde0
0x000000000023bd40:  0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000023bd50:  0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000023bd60:  0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000023bd70:  0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000023bd80:  00007f31b5a60000 000000000023bdf0
0x000000000023bd90:  00000000002421d0 000000000023cbb0
0x000000000023bda0:  0000000000000000 5581223d8b672500
=>0 0x000000007b44c1e7 in kernel32 (+0x2c1e7) (0x000000000023be60)
  1 0x00007f31b5a6bd19 in api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0 (+0xbd18) (0x000000000023be90)
  2 0x00007f31b5a6b9b7 in api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0 (+0xb9b6) (0x000000000023bf20)
  3 0x000000018001cc6a in python37 (+0x1cc69) (0x000000000023bf20)
  4 0x000000018001cbb1 in python37 (+0x1cbb0) (0x000000000023c2a0)
  5 0x000000018001e3f2 in python37 (+0x1e3f1) (0x000000000023c2a0)
  6 0x000000018001e67a in python37 (+0x1e679) (0x000000000023c949)
  7 0x000000018001b390 in python37 (+0x1b38f) (0x000000000023c949)
0x000000007b44c1e7: movq	0x00000000000000b8(%rsp),%rax
Module	Address					Debug info	Name (72 modules)
ELF	        7b400000-        7b80d000	Dwarf           kernel32
  \-PE	        7b420000-        7b80d000	\               kernel32
ELF	        7bc00000-        7bd16000	Deferred        ntdll
  \-PE	        7bc20000-        7bd16000	\               ntdll
ELF	        7c000000-        7c004000	Deferred        
PE	       140000000-       140056000	Deferred        main
PE	       180000000-       1803c4000	Export          python37
ELF	    7f31b5a5a000-    7f31b5c6e000	Dwarf           api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0
  \-PE	    7f31b5a60000-    7f31b5c6e000	\               api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0
ELF	    7f31b5c6e000-    7f31b5e94000	Deferred        imm32
  \-PE	    7f31b5c80000-    7f31b5e94000	\               imm32
ELF	    7f31b5e94000-    7f31b60c6000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31b60c6000-    7f31b630b000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31b630b000-    7f31b6528000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31b6528000-    7f31b675a000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31b675a000-    7f31b6a0e000	Deferred
PE	    7f31b6a0e000-    7f31b6c22000	Deferred        api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0
PE	    7f31b6a10000-    7f31b6c22000	Deferred        api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0C:\windows\system32\api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll
ELF	    7f31b6c22000-    7f31b6e36000	Deferred        api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0
  \-PE	    7f31b6c30000-    7f31b6e36000	\               api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0
ELF	    7f31b6e36000-    7f31b704a000	Deferred        api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0
  \-PE	    7f31b6e40000-    7f31b704a000	\               api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0
ELF	    7f31b704a000-    7f31b725d000	Deferred        api-ms-win-crt-process-l1-1-0
  \-PE	    7f31b7480000-    7f31b7684000	\               api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0
ELF	    7f31b7684000-    7f31b7899000	Deferred        api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0
  \-PE	    7f31b78a0000-    7f31b7aae000	\               api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0
ELF	    7f31b7aae000-    7f31b7cc4000	Deferred        api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0
  \-PE	    7f31b7ee0000-    7f31b80f0000	\               api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0
ELF	    7f31b80f0000-    7f31b8305000	Deferred        api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0
  \-PE	    7f31b8330000-    7f31b8619000	\               ucrtbase
ELF	    7f31b8619000-    7f31b882f000	Deferred        vcruntime140
  \-PE	    7f31b8620000-    7f31b882f000	\               vcruntime140
ELF	    7f31b882f000-    7f31b8abf000	Deferred        advapi32
  \-PE	    7f31b8840000-    7f31b8abf000	\               advapi32
ELF	    7f31b8abf000-    7f31b8e3a000	Deferred        gdi32
  \-PE	    7f31b8ad0000-    7f31b8e3a000	\               gdi32
ELF	    7f31b8e3a000-    7f31b9276000	Deferred        user32
  \-PE	    7f31b8e60000-    7f31b9276000	\               user32
ELF	    7f31b9276000-    7f31b9503000	Deferred        shlwapi
  \-PE	    7f31b9290000-    7f31b9503000	\               shlwapi
ELF	    7f31b9503000-    7f31b971d000	Deferred        version
  \-PE	    7f31b9510000-    7f31b971d000	\               version
PE	    7f31b971d000-    7f31b9931000	Deferred        api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-
PE	    7f31b9720000-    7f31b9931000	Deferred        api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-C:\windows\system32\api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1.dll
ELF	    7f31b9931000-    7f31b9b44000	Deferred        api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1
  \-PE	    7f31b9e60000-    7f31ba099000	\               ws2_32
ELF	    7f31ba199000-    7f31ba3ab000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31ba3ab000-    7f31ba5c5000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31ba5c5000-    7f31ba7d1000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31ba7d1000-    7f31ba9db000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31bb4aa000-    7f31bb6c2000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31bb6c2000-    7f31bba60000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31bba60000-    7f31bbc64000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31bbc64000-    7f31bc055000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31bc055000-    7f31bc274000	Deferred
ELF	    7f31bc619000-    7f31bc843000	Deferred
process  tid      prio (all id:s are in hex)
0000000c services.exe
	00000021    0
	0000000e    0
	0000000d    0
00000011 explorer.exe
	00000015    0
	00000012    0
0000001f winedevice.exe
	00000026    0
	00000023    0
	00000022    0
	00000020    0
0000002d main.exe
	0000002e    0
0000002f (D) Z:\home\ntoll\src\pyweek\main.exe
	00000030    0 
That's interesting... Have you had the same problem with any other pygame based games?

There's a line at the top of gfx/__init.py_f that sets the environment variable "PYGAME_BACKEND" to "directx" - I was under the impression that it wouldn't do anything on non-windows, but maybe that's the source of the problem.

If not, I'm afraid the Internet knows more than I do. Could try it on another system if you can.
All other PyGame based entries work fine for me. I'll try Google and mess around with the PYGAME_BACKEND envar.
OK... so commenting out the PYGAME_BACKEND setting makes it run for me (well, it start, I'm yet to play it). ;-)