All falls apart at the end
There's a ton of stuff I'm proud of on this project, esp. the dynamic music stuff. But, in the end, I ran out of time. Thinking back on it, I probably should've just ripped the combat system out rather than trying to fix it at the last minute.
So, why'd I fail? Well... to be honest, I think it just comes down to one single thing; the fact that I wasted a day trying to get the raycaster working efficiently when brute force worked just fine. If I'd started with the option I ended up using anyway I'd have a whole nother day and a half, which was really all I needed - heck, even just a few more hours to figure out the combat balance would have made a huge difference. Alas, it was not to be. If i'd stuck to standard Final Fantasy clone combat it'd probably have been fine as well, so there's a lesson - don't innovate just for its own sake, especially when you're under time pressure.
Still! It's a pretty cool walking-around-mazes simulator, except for when it decides to force you to play broken RPG combat instead. And the dynamic music stuff tieff and I put together is definitely awesome.
So, while I'm pretty disappointed in the version that I'm actually submitting to PyWeek, I think with another couple days of work this could be a pretty friggin' cool game.
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I followed the instructions in the readme, have pip installed from requirements.txt.
I can't get it to run:
Should be able to just comment that line out.
If all else fails you should be able to run the EXE version under Wine.
When I try to run it with WINE I get
That's interesting... Have you had the same problem with any other pygame based games?
There's a line at the top of gfx/__init.py_f that sets the environment variable "PYGAME_BACKEND" to "directx" - I was under the impression that it wouldn't do anything on non-windows, but maybe that's the source of the problem.
If not, I'm afraid the Internet knows more than I do. Could try it on another system if you can.