Day 2 - Attacking and Minimal Graphics.
Today was a very productive day. I did one big thing mainly, and that was build a system for defeating enemies in the tower.My way of doing it is quite a bit different, I built 3 mini games for different battles. I wanted to experiment with some different and yet still engaging way to do attacking, since I knew anything that any complex battle sequence that came to my mind would be weird, over complicated, and a little bit boring. So I decided to make a mini game for each battle, each one fast-paced, mostly simple, quick, and engaging (hopefully, only one other person than me has played them).
I'll go through each one briefly:
One of the minigames makes you rapidly hit your keys for a certain marker to either attack an enemy or block theirs before it disappears.
Another minigame has a rapidly moving "crosshair", where you have to click certain blocks when they come in contact with the crosshair, and either attack or defend based on their color. (It's much easier than it sounds I just am in a hurry to finish this post.)
The last one requires you to hit the spacebar a bunch of times to help increase your attack/defenses power level, and you have to outpower the enemies attack/block.
That's all of them in a nutshell. I also got some minimal graphics done for each tower level. Here's another screenshot (and the last for today, thankfully):