Srejv on 2007/04/02 13:52
of Uhnx
Okay I havn't updated at all. First update.
My game is gay. Just so you know. It's a platformer, no climbing (maybe if you walk up a flight of stairs or jump or something... but otherwise: no.)
I've never done any scrolling background, scrolling tileset or any of that before. Only games I've made consists of: Tic-Tac-Toe(.net), Pong (for both BooGame and pygame) and DxBall(Boogame).
So. This will be a first! Never done any animation either, only movement. I hope I learn loads. Not in this to win or anything.
I'll make everything myself, but if you want to help out (which I doubt) just ask! :D I'll hang out on the IRC channel, nick: S-Rave.
Good luck to all you others!