Day 5 - Level Design, Motorcycles, and minor fixes.

Today I worked on a couple of different aspects of the game that needed to get done and others that kinda just needed to be cleaned up in general. First off, I created the first four levels of the game, that aren't supposed to be too challenging (I might've made one too challenging, but that can be tweaked to be the perfect amount of difficulty later). Second off, I added Motorcycles. They go at almost twice the speed of normal cars, and are half the width, though they do have problems with collisions sometimes. I also fixed some smaller bugs, like that clearing a car crash inside an intersection would toggle the traffic lights around that intersection. It wasn't the most productive day, but I don't have time to worry about that. It's day 5, I just gotta keep going.

Here's a screenshot of one of the levels:

Oh and I've also never posted an animation for some reason, so here's the game in action (Sorry for poor video quality):

I don't have any extra things to do tomorrow for the most part, and nothing to do on Friday that interrupts my work schedule, so I'm just gonna get straight to work from that point on.