Multimachines working-ish

Multimachines are now working, mostly. You can specify combinations of machines and their input/output, and when you link them together properly, they'll start vibrating like they're working. You can see that the machines are a few pixels apart in the screen shot (day3_2) - they move a random number of pixels in the x and y several times a second. They don't actually make anything yet; that'll have to wait until tomorrow.

And I'm sure there are more bugs to be found :)

Update: I've just added an animated gif of the machine running. You'll have to click the thumbnail though.

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Looks good. Perhaps the machines that are working together could vibrate together?
They do? Well, they vibrate together, but they're not in sync, each one has it's own displacement. The idea was to have something like a washing machine on a spin cycle :D
I was wondering what they would look like if the vibrations synced up. But perhaps they would seem too tightly locked together. Maybe they could sync in the x axis and have an individual random displacement in the y axis?
Well, it's in the 'good enough for a game jam' basket at the moment. If I have spare time towards the end I might look into it.