Day 1
I don't need to wait until the end of the day to post something, as for day 1 I will probably just prepare the structure and internal mechanic.
I am not sure I will manage to finish this pyweek, as I have a really busy week at work.
When I registered, I was hoping to explore new libraries and try totally new things, but due to the lack of time, I will not be very original and I will stick with what I know.
The game will be a platformer game with a twist.
You play Kenneth, a sentient drop of water escaping the military lab where it was created.
The twist is that each time you move, you lose a bit of water, which means you lose a bit of life.
The goal is to find the exit of the level, in the optimal way to avoid losing all your health or getting stuck.Few game play characteristics that I would like to have:
* You can recharge your health with bonuses in the level.
* You can jump, the height reached depends of your health level (so if you miss a jump, it can mean that you have to restart the level because you don't have enough health to make it any more).* You cannot direct yourself when jumping, you just conserve your momentum. There is also a sliding and accelerating effect.
* When jumping, you lose as much health as when you move vertically (to avoid having to always use one way of moving).
* When you hit the ground after falling, you lose health in a quadratic way: falling from x pixels makes you lose something proportional to x². It means that you will lose less by falling from 3 times 10 pixels (~300) than by falling 1 time 30 pixels (~900).
* Losing health changes your size, and maybe some stuffs will depends on that (not sure yet).
* Hopefully, there will be specific stuffs in different levels (special traps, enemies, slightly different physics, ...).
The link with the theme is, I hope, obvious, as you are playing a water drop that moves by flowing, with few elements being caracteristic of a flowing liquid.
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