Finished (and tested on my 13yo son)

I decided to spend all of today (Friday) on finishing, polishing and testing my game since I wont have any time tomorrow.
As a result I've managed to get quite a lot done... intro and outro screens, music, tweaks to the game mechanics, power-ups for anti-gravity, various bug fixes and the all important two-worlds-related "back story":
The intergalactic war between the red and blue factions of the biro universe has reached its climax. Each world has sent a stick-figure champion to race in the "Paper chase" for ultimate victory and to decide which colour biro pen teachers should use when marking work. (Get 200 steps ahead to win, collect up to 3 Python power-ups to import antigravity and avoid all other obstacles.)
To be honest, it all feels a bit "hacky", but I'll refactor and clean up the code once PyWeek is over before I turn it into a learning resource.
When my son got home from school I tried a bit of game testing with him (see video linked below). I'll package, test on Windows, OSX and Linux and upload later this evening.
Game testing with a teenager.
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