End of Day 1
Well, I've got a title:Killer Steam-Powered Robots from Dimension X
I've got the interface and colision-detection working, but no real game yet. Still, you can run around and bump into rocks. (log in to comment)
I plan for rocks to be destroyable, so that I don't need to worry about stuff like that.
I'm not quite sure why you're getting that error, though I think it's bad news for me. (I've got a Win computer here; I'll look into it.)
The game's looking nice so far, btw :)
Version 0.01
Furthermore, I run Windows, and have no idea what that shell script does, or if it's important :) So..
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\Downloads\killer-robots\code>python robo
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "robots.py", line 39, in ?
File "C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\Downloads\killer-robots\code\g.p
y", line 61, in load_images
images[filename] = pygame.image.load(image_dir+"/"+filename)
pygame.error: Unsupported image format
for filename in os.listdir(image_dir):
if filename.endswith(".png"):
images[filename] = pygame.image.load(image_dir+"/"+filename)
I got caught in the corner, surrounded by rocks the first time I ran it :)