Day two entry.
Hi guys :)My idea of a game is to create Player vs simple AI duel. The idea is for Player to be placed on a planet. To beat the enemy he has to shoot it on his own piece of space rock with homing misslies, and avoid being shot by it. The idea is that they can hide in the shadow of their planets, avoiding hostile missles and leaning out when it's safe (they are behind everything ;) ). If I have some spare time I would propably add a Sun in between, to have another thing to hide behind and to have something to gather resources from.
As you can see I'm using some placeholder graphics now just to save some time to code the logic (there are also some blending problems that I will hopefully resolve later). I'm well aware that the game won't propably be pretty, since a prefere to spare more time on mechanics than the art. I'm planning to create some simple stylized sprites to represent the game objects. Right now there are just these vessels running on plannets (enemy is making circles), the rotating planets and homing missles that player can shoot at the enemy.
One thing that I've decided to do is to use Entity-Component-System pattern here, to create more reusable and less buggy code. The idea is that I can put different game objects together by (re)using already created components.
Tomorrow I will hopefully finish collision system and start making some real game mechanics. The biggest issue is time, I can only spend few hours after work, so I will have to cut anything that can give mi few hours more on the coding features.
Cheers and happy coding :)
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