OHhhhhh boy
Well we didn't even come close to finishing. I've been programming almost all day and we kinda got the game going. Also, turns out Clarissa was not added to the team and couldn't be added in later. Can someone move us to the team category for judging?So I've been coding for almost 10 hours straight now. I haven't really eaten anything today. And boy does my code show it! About 4 hours ago, my brain kinda started seizing up whenever I went to tackle anything that wasn't straight forward. So it took about an hour to implement correct scrolling function and an hour plus to to debug collisions. At least both of those work.
So what's missing? A beginning cutscene (which includes the Lesser of Two Evils choice), another level, enemies, gravity, proper movement velocity, stairs, keys, jumping, doors, final boss, and final cutscenes. And whatever else we think to add.
But, this is the first game I've ever helped create the concept for and first full game I've tried to write in python. Clarissa and I are happy with what we have done and we will finish this game (and I will organize my code :P). I'm also going to try to get Clarissa in on the coding as due to the time crunch, I took over to get things moving.
Interesting to note, the game is mostly just an engine for Tiled. You can swap out that .json file for something else as long as you follow similar conventions.
But yeah that's it. Time to see everyone else's stuff now!
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