You can't let him OUT of there!!!

I just wrapped up my game, after a few more days of quick additions. It's not really as big as I hoped to make it, but I feel satisfied with what I accomplished in the very short time I was able to put into it each day. The theme of the game is a little twist on the original, in that you're trying to escape from a prison. It's basically a fight-your-way-out game, with a run-n-bump attack style. The idea ended up being different than my original one. I chose the name "Ripple" when I made my entry, but couldn't find a way to make that fit the game. Oh well! Less descriptive title next time! This was a lot of fun after all, and I think I learned a few things. I re-wrote from "muscle" memory a lot of code I typically write for other projects, but I found myself coming up with more concise ways to write things that are good enough, and probably would work just as well in other projects. I was able to think about things differently since my time was constrained, which was a good exercise.