Im going to cheat. :)

My shameful secret is that I love reinventing wheels. :) I have this idea for a game library that I want to tinker with so Im going to be using this pyweek as a development week and motivational community hug-fest to see if Im totally insane or just mindly insane. :)

Anyway, Im totally looking forward to it!! Yay! A week of no sleep! Woohoo!

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Good luck. :)
How is this cheating? Do you mean you are going to continue developing something you've already started?
Yes, ive been toying with it already. Plus it wont all be python.

Anyway, even if it doesnt follow the rules it still adds to the cosmic karma of games in that week. Hehehe.

I bet if you left your library alone, and built it again from scratch in that week, you'd be happier with the new result :-) I've done it before and thats usually what happens for me. I end up producing cleaner stuff without any crufty things which I thought I might need...
*nod* I am expecting a rewrite at some point to 'clean up' the code. :) But, for me, that usually happens once i have it useable and have taken it for a whirl. Thats what I hope to do this pyweek, assuming I can get it to the 'useable' level by then/during the comp. :)

My idea is like the bastard son of a mix of Unreal Torny and pyglet. ;)

I loved pyglet's 'dont install a mass of libraries' idea as I always hate trying to chase down the 50 specific versions of what libfoo needs today. So I was thinking wouldnt it be great if one download small did _all_ your dependancies?

Then I was reading a paper on Unreal Tournament's network code and I got to thinking, why do we all use c/ctypes/swig/etc to interface with game libraries? Couldnt you write an executable and use plain old tcpip networking code to interface to it? I mean network games run fine across different machines and most/all machines these days can multi task (and with N-core processors its getting better for non-single task games).

So, Im trying to work out a single unchanging graphics client executable which:

  • Displays things via open gl
  • Has a useful set of graphics objects (models, textures, hud, gui, type things)
  • Can return 'events' such as keypresses
  • 'server' code which does 'management' of objects and adds collision detection (in c too)

So, the idea is that you start up the python script + server/client (stand alone exe) and your script sends orders to the exe which displays and runs all the game things you need and keeps track of it all.

I figure if I keep the client/server code seperated enough it gives you multi player for free (ie python script - server - nclients)

Atleast thats the idea. ;-) But it could be that im barkingly insane.

No-one ever accused you of being barkingly insane before, so why should they start now? Oh, wait...
You know the saying "if you cheat, you really cheat yourself"?

I think in this case it's quite literal :) If you end up with something that runs, that will be enough to earn brownie points from me. And you know how good brownie points are, especially if they are fresh from the oven. Er, taking the analogy a bit far methinks. Anyway, good luck!
Woof! Woof! :)