Attack of the communist balls
Pekuja's warmup compo seems to have become quite popular, and my entry is probably as finished as it's going to be before the deadline. I might add fancy stuff like menus and high scores later, but for now I'm quite happy with what I've been able to scrape together in a few days. Let's hope I'll make an even better game during the actual pyweek!
The epic struggle between communist and capitalist balls can be found at
(log in to comment) Whoops, yeah, I just copied the sh script from another game, thinking it would've been a working one - but of course I didn't have time to boot into Linux and test it. I'll use the Python script from the Skellington in the next release. I didn't hear of the Skellington before I started this project, though, so I guess I can be forgiven for now. :F I'll probably add stuff on the web page to the README.txt too. Thanks for commenting!Comments
I just got around to playing it, this is one of my favorites from the warm-up, and good enough for a finished game :)
I got 2000 score, it took a while but this game really made me want to keep going,
And the images and sfx were cool, some background music is about the only thing "missing".
My only griefs would be a:
the levels get a bit hard all of a sudden, and getting past 1600 score is really difficult.
And b:
The game gets choppy farther in, as there are more objects in the game.
And this is why I developed the Skellington...
Also the game comes with no instructions how to play (though yes, they're on the website, but a cut-n-paste wouldn't have hurt :)