Pyweek done
Well, that is the end of my Pyweek! I'm away from tomorrow till the end of the competition, with no opportunity to work on my code :( Last time round I started on Wednesday evening, this time I'm finishing on the Wednesday evening. The good news is that this means I got two Pyweeks for the price of one. The bad news is that I could do with having the other days. Hopefully next time round I will be able to code for at least parts of the whole week, and then maybe I'll go for something more ambitious.I've uploaded the final version of my game 'moonlander'. It is a very simple game that is a fairly quick play but hopefully at least a little bit entertaining. The objective is to fire a rocket to the moon. You control the direction of the rocket, the power of the launch, and can also change gravity to alter the trajectory of the rocket.
I'll be back at the end of the competition, and hope to write a more detailed diary entry of how things went for me, what I learnt etc. Looking forward to playing all of the wonderful games everyone creates!
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