Day 1 - Having Fun
The last PyWeek was a bit of a drag as I was under the weather so I have been trying to make this one as relaxed and fun as possible. Delighted to say it has been on day one!I got up, anxious to see the chosen topic and was very surprised to see Nemesis being the chosen theme. After a bit of thinking and Googling I settled on making my own homage to the game Nemesis - an early 90's horizontal scroller. Luckily I have this cart and popped it into my GBA for some 'research'.
First coding step was a simple menu using SGC. Then a simple skeleton for the game and levels. Bit by bit I got a ship on screen and made it flyable. Made a ZAP sound effect too and a bad guy. Little bit of work on the background too. No high innovation just relaxing and enjoying aspects of game writing I usually neglect e.g. sound and GFX.
Development is on a slow little netbook (want this to run on a RaspPi too eventually). I am using Lubuntu, Python 2, Pinta and learning to use GIT. Code is online at
Anyway here's a screenshot:

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I also had this idea - I love the old Gradius/Nemesis games, and have played them on various emulators over the years (I've been 'researching' with an MSX emulator on my phone today :).
I've worked on my PyWeek game for the best part of the last day and a half and I don't really fancy changing course now - I've not got a huge amount of free time this week. Is that cool with you, daftspaniel?