Warm-up game: Hatchery
Download HatcheryI've never made a game with online multiplayer before, so I did one as warm-up. It was a really good learning experience. I hope I'm ready to pull it off for PyWeek now. Feel free to test it out at the link above. Instructions are in the README. Python 2 + pygame required. Please let me know if you encounter any bugs, such as being unable to connect to the server or being unexpectedly booted.
What did I learn from this?
- Suggestions I read online said to make the game work locally first and then add the networking. I wish I had gone the other way, though, starting with the networking. It was hard to add in after I'd already gotten started.
- Lag is higher than I expected for using web sockets. I was hoping for ~300ms but I typically get ~1000ms. That's fine, I'll just choose my mechanics appropriately.
- Sound logic is unexpectedly hard. For instance, making sure when you jump you play the jump sound once and only once. I usually throw sound in an the end, but this time I'll be sure to incorporate it earlier.
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The reason for this is that even though the average ping is pretty good, it's not consistent. If I have the client run 250ms ahead of the server, then the moves that the player inputs will usually reach the server in time, but 1 frame out of 20 it won't. When this happens, the moves for that frame aren't registered and you'll see jitter as the client and server are temporarily out of sync. So I set the client to run 750ms ahead of the server, and the round-trip time is more like 1000ms. (These numbers aren't set, they're computed on the fly, so yours might be different.)
I guess the best solution is to give the client a limited ability to "rewrite history" and occasionally register moves for a frame after that frame's update has occurred. This gets complicated fast, though. For PyWeek I'm likely to just accept a high lag.
Web sockets just seems like the right protocol for this, I don't know, is any problem with them I should be aware of?
I'm not an expert but may be using a binary/packed protocol could help you with the lag, but your client messages in JSON format are 22-55 bytes so may be is not important at all. May be an UDP based protocol instead of TCP, I don't know.
Sorry, I'm not helping.