Day Two - Fragments and Tripods

At first I thought today was a bit of a washout for progress but turns out not too bad for a Monday if all the little fragments are combined. I read up on Mars on Wikipedia, toyed with a bit animation for a bug creature (no screenshot), added some more movement to the player and created a scalable tripod bad guy (who looks like a table!). Biggest job was adding the front and left faces to the blocks forming the surface and getting them drawn fast and in the right order (right to left, back to front etc).

Still not sure on gameplay or even what the hero will look like but there's time. :-)

Hopefully I can shake off this cold and have a good session tomorrow!

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I just love your landscape.
nice take on "one way trip" to Mars.  :-)
Lol - yes unintentional neon-Tron look :-)