Physics is hard

Not much time to work on my game today with a full on 8:30 - 8:30 day at uni, i have done a bit and have a got a camera that can move around and zoom in and out and such, I based it off an example by tartley (who's website seems to be a bit screwy at the moment?). Much frustration was had in trying to redo what I had already done a couple of years back but its all working ok now :)

Now I am just starting to get stuck in into some basic mechanics and am deciding physics to do with space stuff can be kind of hard to translate into a game, I wanted to do something kind of realistic but things are often made difficult when trying to decide what kind of scaling to use as everything in space tends to be rather spaced out, with lots of numbers in the range of 10^3 all the way out to 10^25 or so.

I am going to have a bit of a break and thinking of how to get around this, my first thought is to make my game a bit more arcadey and less realistic.

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A bit more work and a slight error gives pretty patterns