Warm up game: Archipylago
We started early this year, with a warm up game to try out Pyglet under Python 3 and to introduce my teammate Arnav, who I work with, to games programming.This is a clone of an Android game called Archipelago in which islands exchange squadrons of aircraft to take over their neighbours. Our version looks like this:

Clone it from the Bitbucket repo if you'd like to play (requires Pyglet 1.2a and Python 3). Player is blue, AI is red. To play: click on one of your islands to select an origin island. Then click to select a destination to send a plane to - this costs half of the island's resources. Ctrl-Click selects multiple origin islands. You win if you eliminate the red team.
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I've heard of (and used successfully) Pygame Subset 4 Android, but did not know pyglet works there too.
Looks like a good game, though a bit typical (I've seen a lot of games with that basic gameplay idea.)