Python 3!

This is the PyWeek of Python 3!

Seriously, all the major dependencies support it now: pygame, pyglet, pyopengl. Even pymunk, numpy and other support libraries.

If you have been on the fence, I reckon this is the PyWeek to give it a go.

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Yay, Python 3!

Does this mean we don't need to support 2 and can just say "Tough luck, you need 3.x" or will compatibility with 2.7 and 2.6 still be assumed?
I would say so, yes. Python 3 installers are easily available if it's not already installed. Requiring Python 2 compatibility would be crazy :-)
Argh. Two questions, one answer. Let me try again:

Does this mean we don't need to support 2
I believe that's a fair stance today.

or will compatibility with 2.7 and 2.6 still be assumed?
No, that'd be crazy :-)
My aim this PyWeek is to develop the game on my (beloved) Raspberry Pi, and test it on my Linux / Windows box and a Mac.

I really want fellow Pi owners to be able to run it without any hassles, particularly less technical / younger users, and because getting PyGame running on the Pi with Python 3 currently involves building PyGame from source I am going to write the game carefully so that it runs on Python 2.6+ and Python 3.

That way it will run 'out of the box' on a Pi, but if a more technically inclined user wants to build PyGame for Python 3 on there (and I will to test my game) then the option is there. Hope that's ok with everyone - how does that sound?
@davec: worry about the Python 3 compatibility after the challenge.
I'll be using Python 2 due to a library dependency. I'm planning on using Kivy, so that I can build an Android version of my game with minimal hassle after the competition.
Sounds like a plan, Richard!
python 2.7 was hard enough to install on my Mac, I'll stick away from 3 for now I'm afraid ;)