With less than 15 minutes to spare, I pushed the final revision of Alias to PyWeek (plus an in-game screenshot). Now all I can do is wait for the judging...I didn't get to accomplish all the things I set out to accomplish (multiple enemies, multiple levels, some other stuff), but hey, it was a good learning experience. And, I had a lot of fun in the process (not to mention one all-nighter) - you can't beat that. :) I learned how to UV map Blender models, bake ambient occlusion into a texture, use Panda3D's collision detection, use PandAI (though it's quite buggy, unfortunately), and I re-learned Git.
If I could have done things differently, I would have made a complete FPS engine and released and used that before the competition began, and spent the week drawing art and writing glue code. I also would have learned how to use Blender before the competition started, instead of learning on-the-fly. Other than that, the only thing I wish I could have had is more time. :)
All in all though, it was a great experience participating in PyWeek 14 - I can't wait for PyWeek 15!
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Hi, Danger guy. I want to give this a try. I put some effort into a batch file, which is posted here to help others. And then I'm at an impasse. Here's what I got so far. Maybe you can assist it further.
The following script will configure the Panda environment in a cmd window temporarily, i.e. without modifying your default Python. You need to install the dev kit. I chose 1.7.2 stable. Tell the installer NOT to make Panda3d your default Python. Then save the following batch commands in panda.bat in the Alias game folder (if you use a different panda version or install path, you'll need to edit the "set ..." commands).
@echo off
The following script will configure the Panda environment in a cmd window temporarily, i.e. without modifying your default Python. You need to install the dev kit. I chose 1.7.2 stable. Tell the installer NOT to make Panda3d your default Python. Then save the following batch commands in panda.bat in the Alias game folder (if you use a different panda version or install path, you'll need to edit the "set ..." commands).
@echo off
set PYTHON=C:\Panda3D-1.7.2\python
set PYTHONPATH=%python%\DLLs;%python%\Lib;%python%\Lib\lib-tk;%python%\Lib\site-packages
echo Python is %PYTHON%
echo PythonPath is %PYTHONPATH%
%python%\python.exe %1
Run "cmd" to open a command window. Change directory to the Alias game folder (e.g. "cd C:\...\alias\alias").
Run "panda.bat".
Here's where I need help. I get the following traceback from the game:
Run "cmd" to open a command window. Change directory to the Alias game folder (e.g. "cd C:\...\alias\alias").
Run "panda.bat".
Here's where I need help. I get the following traceback from the game:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 21, in <module>
import alias.levelloader
File "C:\...\pyweek14\alias\", line 21, in <module>
import Image
ImportError: No module named Image
ImportError: No module named panda3d.core
I installed both Panda runtime and SDK but it still failed with that message.
I'm using Python 2.7 on Win7 (x64).