another quick follow-up
someone in the comments said "spent too much time on the intro". honestly though, i spent about 1 hour on it, start to finish. that included finding the pictures, writing a parser for the script format, writing the script and finally, glueing the popup dialog class together with the parser. i don't know if they meant that as a joke or what. the dialog and state management stuff on the other hand took forever. guess that goes to show though, once you get a good foundation, things can fall into place.anyway.
after my 2nd pyweek, i think that the 3rd time will be the charm. i realize i just tried to do too much in a week. also, certain game just had a charm to them that i would really want to put into my games...easy to pick up, fun to play.
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Probably the commenter was responding to the fact that the intro seemed much more polished and extensive than the rest of the game.
One way to avoid that effect is not to work on an intro at all until you have something that can be called a game. This may result in your ending up with an incomplete game and no intro, but at least you can't be accused of getting your priorities wrong!