Well, this was fun
This was definitely fun. As a newcomer, I expected this to be a lot of work (really). As a solo entry, I expected even more work. As a full-time engineer, I expected hell! But, as I stated straight from the beginning, I figured it would be a good time to learn pygame and or any other game libraries.Learn; and learn some more. I started off with no pygame experience and within Pyweek (Py-less-than-two-days for me) I somehow managed to get a working "game" up. It has "game start" and "game over" screens, characters, points, and even music & sound effects. Not bad for my first time methinks!
Now as for mutating...uh yea. I had this idea in my head but I couldn't get it to work the way I wanted it to. Ah well. So, no "mission complete" for Pyweek.
Congrats to ALL Pyweek'ers! I think I may have found a nice "freetime" (yea right, freetime...) hobby of mine.

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