Linux Sound Issues


could someone try our Entry on Linux? I tried it on a fresh Ubuntu installation and pyglet sound playback crashs with segmentation fault and other nasty errors even when I start a few playback in a new project.
Ubuntu seemed to have problems with my sound card so I don't yet know for sure if its time to panic... Could someone please try our entry on linux and report back, just clicking through the first 4 maps (2 min) should be fine. Thanks!

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I've always had problems with pyglet audio. Setting PYGLET_AUDIO=silent is the only workaround I know.
Here with GNU/Linux Mint, using pyglet and the sound works perfectly. Try configure PulseAudio or Alsa.
I have good news: The game sounds works fine.
We delivered with pyglet 1.1.4 which does not have PulseAudio, but I tried with the newest version form hg and PulseAudio crashes too on my machine after a few sounds with similiar or no error messages.

I added command line switches to deactivate sound and or music if required. Thanks!
Weird, because im working with pyglet 1.1.4 and my GNU/Linux uses PulseAudio. I dont know...
Its working with PA generally, it uses alsa which seems to get redirected to PulseAudio. The pyglet trunk's version has a seperate PulseAudio device in addition to Alsa and OpenAl and does use the PA api directly.
Works fine for me on Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS.

It does log out this when starting up, but it doesn't prevent playback:

error reading volume ['ID', 'Description', 'Volume']
error reading volume ['', '', '']