Wake me, when you need me: final submission
I've slaved over this project for a week, time to call it for now. It is playable, but there's no objective, and tons of bugs. toss any fix ideas my way, and I'll look into creating a better version on pygame.org soon.and now for an emotion filled closing...
This is an unfinished game. My apologies to those who were looking forward to a full game, I had no chance of making a full platformer from scratch. I will continue development at some point in the future, but for right now, this is all that I can do. Thanks goes to Eggfu, for helping with a collision problem, and to saluk, for reminding me to create the ragdoll background with pygame.SRCALPHA. Thanks also to Richard for making this competition possible. I submit in peace since I know that this is the closest I've gotten to a complete game ever. Thanks again, and congrats to the winner!
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I ended up printing out all the numbers from the surface (in hex) and all the number in the conf file next to each other and just fiddling with masking and byte ordering until they matched.
By the way, I don't really check the messageboard here all that often, to best to ping me on IRC when you want me without a multiday lag. :-)
self.array = pygame.surfarray.array2d(pygame.image.load(self.conf.get("meta", "blockdata")))
self.tempdata = [[block.Block(dict(self.conf.items(str(x))), self) for x in y] for y in self.array]
Jerith, you gave a relevant award. Were you able to get the game working?