Day 2.5 - mutagion design is hazy, time to march forward

I didn't make much progress today at all. Too busy with other things :( I wish pyweek had been last week, when I was a bit less overbooked. Also, all the time spent thinking up ideas for the other themes last week just made me more disappointed with this one, which is making it hard to keep pressing forward. I'm very close to quitting, but I keep telling myself to just put one foot in front of the other...

My design is still pretty unclear. Yesterday evening and this morning I worked on modelling viruses and populations. It has potential but I am not really seeing how it all fits into the gameplay at this time. Just to get some actual coding started I spent a few minutes putting music and the in game map together for the first real game screen. That made me feel a little better, even though objectively it doesn't really get me any close to the goal.

Tentative plan for the rest of the week:

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Hang in there! I'm looking forward to it!