Day two

With that stunningly original diary entry title out of the way, why not take a look at the screenshot below?

Those of you impressed by yesterdays screenshot of a blank screen cannot possibly fail to be impressed by the fact that there are now literally four more blocks in the new screenshot! You may as well lay down your coding tools now, peeps. It's futile even trying to compete.

Ok... so the game is going to involve piloting a small droid (currently a blue square) that has to clean up after some kind of accident / invasion / stupid sci-fi-incident leaves loads of mutated thingies everywhere. They will (soon) be different colours. The aim will be to destroy the mutant thingies by bumping them into other thingies of the same colour. If two different colour thingies collide, a mutation will occur and thingies of different colours will be created.

Look, I'm making this game up as I go along, based on a vague idea I had in the bath on Sunday. 

Anyhoo.. coding has been fun, but there isn't a ton to show at the moment. I've uploaded what I've got. I have around 1 - 2 hours per evening when I can work on this so I'm not expecting miracles but I think I can get a fun little mini-game together by Friday, when I have to submit due to holiday plans.

Hope you're all having fun building your games.
