Updated squirtle -- ok to use?
Hi all,I updated Martin's squirtle library (http://www.pyweek.org/d/1783/ -- thanks for making that by the way!) about a year ago with some bugfixes and support for correct per-pixel gradients. You can find my version here: https://github.com/fathat/squirtle/ (I probably should've updated the Readme to reflect my changes)
I emailed him my changes quite a while ago but I never heard back, so I just tossed my changes up on github and I think I made a reddit/r/gamedev post or something and left it at that.
What I was wondering is -- is it ok to use this? I think it's in the spirit of things, but I don't want people being like "preexisting code base! cheater!!" :-). Obviously I'm also ok with anyone else using my changes (assuming they want them -- I haven't tested it across a lot of video cards)
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Secondly is there any chance that diary entrys and other board messages could be separated out, perhapse even highlighting of replies by the original poster.
Yeah, the discussion area on the site has kinda reached the volume of a regular forum, but doing any work on it this late is a little out of the question.