Can't play most games

Most of the entries, especially those that are launched with "" and "run_game.pyw" file automatically throw an error. All the games that have been processed with py2exe are good. My assumption is that something is missing on my system that is preventing them from running. Does anyone have any guesses on what my issue is?

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Do you run Windows? I'm under the impression that if you run anything in windows by clicking on it, it doesn't set the path to where the file is located. Thus if a file tries to make a relative redirect, it won't find any python files. I believe there are some versions of the that modify your current path in various ways, so that might be a point of failure.

Of course that's just an unqualified guess.
Can you tell us the error? It's hard to guess without knowing what it says.
Okay, before when I ran the games, the window shut so fast that I couldn't read the errors. Now that I'm running the games in IDLE, I found that a lot of them failed to missing modules. There were other errors, but i don't think I'll have time to review every single game before judging closes anyway.
i don't know what py2exe is at all, so, i presume all my games using python-pygame dependency are bad! :D
The only problem is that when you use any module like pygame, the person playing your program also needs to have that module. py2exe is just a tool to convert any python code to an executable. However, the drawback is that I don't think that works for Macs.
Be sure to read the included readme with each entry. They're supposed to list all the dependencies for the game. 

Before I play through the games, I always make sure I have the latest PyGame, Pyglet, and NumPy installed. That will cover 90% of them.