Pygame games

I'm sure there must be many of us who can't run Pyglet games on at least one of their computers due to GLX issues. Here's a list of folders in the torrent that contain games that use Pygame (assuming they don't use OpenGL through Pygame of course or combine pyglet and pygame):

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My game (timetravel) also uses pygame and not pyglet...
Your are on the list (john2), I found it was better to list the directory names than the names of the games.
Why exactly can you play pygames but not pyglets? Is it this?
RohypnolTappper is pure pygame.  That was kinda the point.  PyGame + 2D Physics.
Superjoe: It has to do with hardware acceleration, old nvidia drivers (uh, I kind of killed my graphics card) and the like, unless you have proper drivers installed for your card X won't let you run anything that has to do with OpenGL, since there is no software emulation built in. To put it in a more pythonic way:

OpenGL in VESA == False

Bitcraft: This is a list of games I found to import pygame at least once when I piped the pyweek-12 folder through a bunch of magic filters. I uploaded it because I found it time consuming to detect which games used Pygame (which I can run) and which games didn't. I assumed I can't be the only person who is running VESA drivers, so I figured it might help someone.
Argh. I didn't realize that using pyglet would alienate me from some users.
There shouldn't be a lot of us, it's most likely non-mac Unix specific, and I suppose most have hw acceleration anyway.
It's pretty rare for a computer to not have OpenGL support - it's been built into Linux for over a decade now. Hardware acceleration is another thing, and Linux support for it has historically been terrible. But for 2d games as long as they're not being crazy about it the Mesa support in Linux should be fine.

As with all platforms just make sure your video card drivers are up to date.
... as an addendum I developed a couple of PyWeek games (flatbot and Threads of Fate) in pyglet on an EEEPC 701 ... about as minimum-spec Linux as you can get and it worked fine ... except that the 800x400 screen was an interesting limitation :-) I was even playing with 3d stuff on that thing.
from the Linux part, there is a very simple reason why Pygame is so popular: it's available from Debian and Ubuntu, and it is extremely easy to install - just selecting and installing the python-pygame from Synaptic, or entering 'sudo apt-get install python-pygame' from the Terminal - for the most of the other libraries people are using here, i can't tell the same thing
pyglet and pyOpenGL are also in the standard Ubuntu repository. But yeah, if a game requires a library that's not in the repository, I'll only get to it after finishing the games I can easily play.