Fractured Soul available for download
Best pyweek ever! I'm not ready to do a full postmortem, but I want to say that our team put in a ton of work this week. I've been getting about 3 hours of sleep per night and pyweeking non-stop when I'm not at work. I was in charge of level design and I was so into it, I swear I designed two of the levels in my sleep.I'm really proud of our final result! I hope you enjoy it too!
[ Download Fractured Soul ]
If anyone encounters any major bugs, let us know before the upload deadline and we'll fix them!
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The rest of my feedback went into the feedback box :). Thanks for the game, it was pleasantly bug-free otherwise! (The walk cycle is glitchy though.)
Out of curiosity, what pygame version do you have? I don't see any pygame.math module mentioned in the documentation, and when I try "from pygame import math" it gives me an error.
>>> import pygame
>>> pygame.version.ver
>>> dir(pygame.math)
['Vector2', 'Vector3', 'VectorElementwiseProxy', 'VectorIterator', '_PYGAME_C_API', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', 'disable_swizzling', 'enable_swizzling']
>>> pygame.math.__doc__
'pygame module for vector classes'
Yay! :-)