CrossFire: Day one
Well that was day one then. I stayed up waaaaay past my bed time to find out what the theme was (I live in the UK), and then I promptly went to bed, wondering what I was going to do with 'Nine Times'.Inspiration came this morning in the form of some suggestions from my two sons, who both had some great ideas about using a game idea I was working on last year. I decided to go with it, strip it back because of the one week deadline and set about scribbling notes and cackling like a madman (OK, I lied about the cackling).
My idea is this: you control two ships at once. One on the bottom of the screen, and one on the side. Both fire when you hit the fire key. Yes, it may be tricky - time will tell how solid this idea is.
You have to defend a space ship filled with... oh I don't know, the last of humanity or something, from attacking alien scum, which need to be blasted to bits.
The aliens will attack in formations of 9, and the shield of the ship you must protect can only take 9 direct hits before exploding and taking with it the last of humanity. Oh, and the name of the game: CrossFire... has nine letters. :-)
I have scribbled some 8 bit retro sprites, and plan to add some kind of neon glow effect to them before the week is through. I have tried to upload a screenshot of the game, but I keep getting a http 500 error. I'll try again in my next entry.
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