The Tech

I decide that I might use this upcoming PyWeek to play around with Python Ogre.  I have some experience using Ogre, Bullet, and a few of the other libraries in C++, so I don't think that this is going to be too difficult.  I expect it be a lot more fun than using PyGame since I use it so often and there is little left for me to learn about it.

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I have found it very, very difficult to compile under Linux. It's not packaged for Ubuntu, except maybe in some PPAs that may not offer a very up-to-date version. Most Linux users will not be able to play your game. 
On the other hand, most things are hard to compile on ubuntu since it tends to get messy with all the libraries and packages. Slackware is usually more friendly to those who want to compile things.

Yeah, I know it's not easy to get it working in Linux.  When I first found it I was using Ubuntu as my primary operating system, so I didn't try to use it much (though I remember running some of the demos).  I'm now using Windows.  I know this might not seem very considerate to non-Windows users, but I mostly just want to have some fun doing something different.