Mousetrap - Anyone got it to do anything useful?

The mouse cursor is constrained to a rectangle at the bottom of the screen. Clicking the cheese does nothing. Is there a way of getting it to do something more?

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Clicking on the cheese should get you to the first level. Worksforme. (You need pygame 1.9 btw)
The constraint is meant to guide you to doing the right thing and give you some idea of the game mechanic.

But clicking the cheese should work! Are you running on Windows (I only tested it in very lightly on Windows, before it was finished)? Do you have an unusual mouse?
What do you mean?

just FYI, a standard mouse feels cheesy but workable in windows
Yeah, the sensitivity is a bit of a mess.

/me resists the temptation to make a joke about cheese.

ilseppia: I see no reason why that shouldn't work (if the OS supports both it and python/pygame) -- the game only needs one mouse button.
Are you running on Windows? Do you have an unusual mouse?

No, MacOSX, and my mouse is quite usual (well, as usual as Apple mice get).
Are you using the latest versions of pygame and numpy? I can't think of anything else that might be going wrong.
Found it -- you're assuming little-endian byte order for your mask values. Bad assumption for a PPC!
Thank you for working it out! And my apologies for being endianist.