
tl;dr: I've just submitted my final entry, and you can get it here

Everything went according to plan! I still have some unimplemented ideas, but last night I managed to add an extra level and fleshed out the story a little, so the game now comes to a meaningful end. The menu system finally allows all the usual things: restart level, restart game, quit.

I ended up doing all the art myself (thank you, Inkscape!) but I'm planning to team up with Jesse on a future game. Thanks to BlaQ_Phoenix, Paracetamol_Boy, Rain, tumbleweed, casted for testing and suggestions (but you should all play again, because I've fixed and added things).

I was away from an internet connection last night, so I've only submitted now, but that was probably a good thing.
And most importantly, I've been told it's fun to play! I hope you agree.

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Compatibility notes: This game requires pygame 1.9. It crashes occasionally with 1.8, and crashes on start with 1.8 and python-numeric installed.