Submited Final version

I don't think ill' be able to work on my game anymore. Have a lot of things pending other than pyweek :)
I submited the final version of the game. If i do find some time ill' try to update but this will more or less be bug fixes.

Here is a brief description of the game:

This is a never ending game where the user competes to obtain the achievements. You are trapped on the surface of a bubble. You are able to "slide" from one position on the bubble to the other. Don't let the germs on the bubble catch you. Collect all the "stars" to start a new wave.
How to play:
Move the mouse to set the direction

 Click to move in the specified direction.
The rules of game:

Download the game

Crash: Unknown .. found on

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Forgot to mention that there is a pattern editor if you want o create new patterns for the game to put the stars in. Just run "" in the gamelib directory:
p - to place pickups
e - to place enemies
s - to save the pattern to a file.
space - clear the editor
You cannot place the patroling enemies through editor, they are randomly placed.
You cannot specify when the "Ball" moves it is done at random.
Rename and copy the saved "level.txt" to data and you will see your pattern randomly selected during gameplay.