Edging dangerously close to gameplay
Well, because it's a video game I added shooting. And other player controls. I'm still not sure what the point of the game is yet... there's certainly nothing to shoot at. I'm not even sure there should be.Give it a shot if you like: stalk-1.zip
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import pygame.mixer
except ImportError:
Desktop\stalk-1\cocos\audio\SDL\dll.py", line 54, in __init__
ImportError: Dynamic library "SDL" was not found
If you don't want the library dependencies. you can use pyglet for your game engine.
svn diff director.py
Index: director.py
--- director.py (revisiĆ³n: 929)
+++ director.py (copia de trabajo)
@@ -326,10 +326,12 @@
# pop out the Cocos-specific flags
do_not_scale_window = kwargs.pop('do_not_scale', False)
+ audio_backend = kwargs.pop('audio_backend', 'PYGLET')
audio_settings = kwargs.pop('audio', {})
# Environment variable COCOS2d_NOSOUND=1 overrides audio settings
- if getenv('COCOS2D_NOSOUND',None) == '1':
+ if ( getenv('COCOS2D_NOSOUND',None) == '1' or
+ audio_backend=='PYGLET'):
audio_settings = None
# if audio is not working, better to not work at all. Except if
# explicitely instructed to continue
behavoir, after the patch applied:
director.init(...) with kwarg audio_backend='PYGLET' or without that kwarg uses pyglet audio, legacy behavoir, SDL will not be required, AVBin needed to use audio.
To use SDL audio, pass the kwarg audio_backend='SDL' in director.init(). Here SDL libraries will be required. There can be problems in windows, look at this thread:
File "C:\Users\olof.bjarnason.UNIVERSUM\Desktop\stalk-1\cocos\audio\SDL\dll.py", line 54, in __init__
ImportError: Dynamic library "SDL" was not found