Can I use old me pyweek's game lib ?
I haven't time to write more. so I want to use my old game lib in pyweek.Can I use it ?
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"You are not allowed to use any exising personal codebases. This includes using those codebases as a point of reference. Hint: release the code well before the comp as part of a tutorial. Then you may refer to it -- and so may the other competitors."
Milker: I think the above discussion implies that code from old PyWeek games is generally not allowed, unless you already announced to PyWeek participants a public release of the 'lib' portion of it as a well-documented library that others would be able to easily download and use.
I really should have made an actual release of my squirtle fork though. Bad Richard.
It's a fuzzy line - it always has been - but the way I see it is if the code's opaque and not accessible to others then it's not really fair to use it.
georgek on 2010/03/24 04:40:
This seems like something of a grey area. Technically the answer is no, you can't use personal codebases. But old pyweek games are already 'released' by definition, though I guess not as libraries per se.